Our Story

As a boy I was given a Morgan Silver Dollar by my father and for many years kept it with me and took it everywhere.

After his passing, because I cherished it so much I would worry that I would lose it. So I stored it in a safe and stopped taking it with me. :(

But one day at a bbq we hosted at our house my brother in law arrived wearing a Morgan Silver Dollar Ring. Immediately, I thought of my fathers coin and asked him if it was made out of a real coin? And where where he got it?!

He explained to me that when he was on vacation in Arizona a friend of his which is a hobbyist jewelry maker made it for him out of a real silver dollar and proceeded to explain to me how he made it over a couple beers we had that night.

I’ve always been very hands on and have a shed full of drills, presses, and a bunch of other “trash” as my wife calls it. So I knew I could make it but it would take some practice before i’d ever dare touch my fathers coin.
So I began practicing with other coins…

Long story short,  after countless hours of heating, drilling, hammering, and overall ruining MANY coins and making a bunch of lopsided rings I eventually started to get the hang of it and finally felt ready!

So I got the coin and took it to the shed....
All of the practice paid off and the final ring is everything I could ever ask for, I get to take my fathers coin with me everywhere without the fear of losing it now!
And once I began to take it everywhere, a lot of people started asking me where I got my ring and many times when they would find out I make them, they would want me to make them one too.

So initially, I would just make them for  friends & family but then they started referring other friends of theirs and eventually I was getting too busy to handle the requests but I really enjoyed making the rings.

So eventually after making a bunch of rings, I decided to make it a official business so I can make rings for people who want me to make them one and I can actually dedicate the necessary time to make every ring extra special.

So if you would like me to make you something that’s extra special, place your order now and allow me to show you my passion through my work.

Thank you for your support.

* All rings are made on a first come first serve basis *